This is the independent storytellers' version of Mank. The craziness at a small film set is so real, including the incompetence of the script supervisor, and the predominant place as DP, which is weirdly always the case. And the sad thing is, that process is still the best part.
一口气把后四集看完了妮可基德曼美得让人移不开眼睛斯特里普的加入增色不少久爱成疾在线视频免费播放最后一集在法庭上的交锋很精彩这一季比上一季深入第一季是把光鲜亮丽的生活撕开了一个大口子这一季伸向暴力的更深处说不清的爱恨交织为了维持生活的美好假象人们制造出的大小谎言让人几乎窒息但最后发现没有任何事情、关系是完美的人们要背负很多沉重活下去Although all is fucked up, we can still live on for love, but no more lies. 非常喜欢这部剧处理记忆和梦境的闪回像在水中听到声音那般遥远模糊、不可捉摸、没有方向BTW生活在像剧里这样的海边小镇是梦想